The national bird of Belarus is White Stork. He stork is a bird that everyone wakes us with sympathy. Perhaps because of the typical image carrying a baby in its beak or in its large nests made in the towers or steeples. But you know or know what a White stork is. It is a very beautiful and slender animal. Its flight is very graceful and spectacular to see because it has a very large wing.
What is a White stork?
The White stork is a bird that belongs to the large group of waders. As their name indicates, these birds have legs that look like stilts. They are used to walk through the waters of the ponds the banks of rivers and lakes and other places of shallow water.
His body is thin, his neck is long and “S” shaped. Its head is small relative to the body and its beak is elongated, narrow and pointed. Their feathers are abundant and soft to the touch, usually black and white.
National Bird of Belarus
The large waders are rather awkward walking with these towering feet. They move slowly, rigid like dolls, and in case of danger they prefer to escape quickly by flying.
Many of them take a curious position when they sleep. They shrink one leg and bend it against his body, holding with the other, straight and stiff as a cane, perfectly and without losing balance.
In case you want to know, White stork in English is White stork. In Cigogne in French, German is Storch and Portuguese is called Cegonha.
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Interesting Facts About White stork
What the White storks eat
They feed mainly on insects and small animals that live in marshes, lakes, ponds or ponds: fish, frogs, lizards, insects, crustaceans, mollusks, worms, eels, snakes. They also feed on other small animals such as mice, moles, small birds, rabbits and hares.
In case of food shortage or need, White storks have been seen feeding on garbage, human food remains and even carrion (small dead animals) another characteristic common to waders is the strong, long, sharp beak. It serves as a weapon, a harpoon to string their prey and dig in the mud and as a clamp to take food.
[table caption=”White Stork Features” width=”500″]
1,National Bird,Belarus
3,Wingspan,100–115 cm
5,Mass Male, 7.4 lbs.
6,Mass Female, 7.4 lbs.
7,Body Length,3.3 – 3.8 ft.
The habitat of White storks
White stork’s nest White storks are often found on the banks and banks of rivers, pond waters and lakes. Also in other shallow water environments where they seek their food, such as wet meadows and wetlands. White storks build their nests in towers or church steeples, on the roofs of houses or on trees. Each couple becomes accustomed to their own nest and returns to it for several summers, putting it in order each time adding new branches.
For this reason in many countries, nests (other than White storks) are also protected and are prohibited to touch them. Even in times when White storks do not inhabit it.
The migration of the White stork
White storks are skilful flying. When flying them take an elongated position: the body, the beak and the legs form a straight line. They beat wings slowly and even, when the winds are favorable, they plan with their wings still, like the eagles. The White stork is a migratory bird: it is the winter season in a place where it is hot, southern Africa, and then, in summer to escape the high temperatures, it leaves the African continent and summer in central Europe, especially in Germany, Poland and Russia. You may want to read: why birds migrate.
White stork features
When autumn arrives the White storks take the return journey, with stages of about one hundred kilometers a day, towards the warm countries. Those who have stayed in summer in Western Europe reach Africa through France and Spain, crossing the Straits of Gibraltar and the Sahara Desert. Those leaving Eastern Europe, on the other hand, are heading for Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey, finally descending along the coast of East Africa. All these facts are important to know what a White stork is.
Types of White storks
There are several types of White storks that have small differences between them. Mainly in the color of its plumage and small variations in its peak. Among others we have:
- White White stork ( Ciconia ciconia linneaus )
- Black White stork ( Ciconia nigra )
- African open beak White stork ( Anastomus lamelligerus )
- Eastern White stork ( Ciconia boyciana )
- White-necked White stork ( Ciconia espicopus )
- Hindu open-billed White stork ( Anastomus oscitans )
White stork habitation nature and in zoos we can see many species of waders, among them crane, flamingo, marabou, spatula, ibis and heron.
The White stork is a migratory bird: it is the winter season in a place where it is hot, southern Africa, and then, in summer to escape the high temperatures, it leaves the African continent and summer in central Europe, especially in Germany, Poland and Russia. You may want to read: why birds migrate